One billion mantra accumulation | Đại Bảo Tháp Mandala Tây Thiên | Đại Bảo Tháp | Đại Bảo Tháp Tây Thiên

One billion mantra accumulation



His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa, emanation of Avalokiteshvara, to officially launch the accumulation on September 25th.

His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa, emanation of Guru Padmasambhava, to lead the conclusion ceremony on October 25th.


In celebration of the official visit to Viet Nam of His Holiness and His Eminence, Drukpa Viet Nam wish to invite Drukpa Lineage monasteries and centers to join in for the accumulation of One billion OM MANI PADME HUNG mantra to dedicate for peace and prosperity across the world.


Buddhists participating in this Accumulation will practice the Avalokiteshvara mantra following the Stupa method of recitation. From a Buddhist point of view, the Stupa is a symbol of the enlightened mind, the Avalokiteshvara mantra is enlightened speech, and Avalokiteshvara is enlightened body. Thus the Stupa method of mantra recitation is the practice of all of Buddhas’ body, speech and mind, through which the practitioner can gain unrivaled merits. Especially, practitioners will have the opportunity to recite and join the merit stream of His Holiness, His Eminence and Drukpa Sanghas around the world.


It was taught in the sutra that the recitation of the OM MANI PADME HUNG mantra can eliminate all negative karma and sufferings, help one to avoid rebirth in the lower realms, achieve peace and happiness and at the moment of death, can be guided to Pure Land. Buddha Shakyamuni also taught: “Whoever has the wish for longevity, career successes and for the removal of obstacles can draw a stupa and fill up that drawing with counting marks as they recite mantra. Once the drawing is filled, all of the practitioner’s wishes will be fulfilled.”


This recitation method suggest the use of a mala (rosary) and involves marking the jewel shapes on the stupa drawing in two ways:

  1. 4 malas recited for each jewel (symbolizing building the stupa on all 4 sides): practitioner use the mark. Each stupa means 432 malas recited

  2. 1 mala recited for each jewel: practitioner use the mark. Each stupa means 108 malas recited.


Marking method: mark each jewel from your right to left as if circumambulating, start from the base and finish each line before moving upwards and start from the right side of the line again. Once all of the jewels on the drawing are marked, you have completed one stupa.

From the start to completion of a stupa, for the best possible merits, the practitioner should remain vegetarian, keep at least the 5 lay vows and develop Bodhicitta towards all beings.


Please send in the scan or picture of your completed stupas to along with your name, organization (i.e. which Drukpa center), city and country, and if you wish to share - your wishes, comments on your experience during the practice, your picture… These “stupas” will be printed out for the conclusion ceremony led by His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa, during which they will be properly dedicated for your wishes and for universal peace and harmony.

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